David MacGregor

Adman, media product creator, entrepreneur, capricious.
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Help end homelessness

Posted 2013-06-30 19:09:58 | Views: 7,923
Homeless. Please Help.
It's The Big SleepOut on Thursday - sounds like a jolly-jape, doesn't it?

The truth is I hate doing it. I don't like being cold and I don't like asking for money. Self reliance has always been my 'thing' - not in an ideological way, it's neither 'right' nor 'left' - it's more an Emersonian tenet.

But, as I am oft want to say: "I have principles - but if you don't like those one, I have others.".

On Thursday I will forsake my warm bed and sleep on the hard cobbles of the AUT quad - I know I will be cold. Possibly wet - and that delightful combination - cold and wet. But I am not doing it out of the goodness of my heart. I am doing it plumb the goodness of your heart.

In return for my meagre sacrifice, I'm asking you to donate some money to the LifeWise Trust to help them help people who don't want to be homeless - but are. (Not the lifestylers though, because they're rubbish, right? - glad we got that one out of the way.)

Whatever you can afford will be lovely. You are helping make Auckland a more liveable and loveable city.
Thank you.
@joegreenz on Twitter
Most other places
David MacGregor.

Mazda MX5 for Sale

Posted 2013-06-28 21:28:15 | Views: 10,095
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Mazda MX5.
For Sale
Mazda MX5 For Sale
It's a 1992 Mazda MX5 (Eunos).
British racing green paint.
Tan leather upholstery.

Good all round condition.
A ding in the driver's side (right) rear quarter - it was pinched by some clown - that is all the damage there was when it was returned. I have a quote for $300 to repair.

I am based on Auckland's north shore. The car is surplus at the moment.

Approximate price is $3,750 - factoring in the dent.
It has a current warrant of fitness and registration.

Nice car, great fun, reliable and economical.
Contact info:

David MacGregor
021 164 39 55

or email me:
[email protected]

The Perl Fishers

Posted 2011-10-10 21:01:40 | Views: 17,239

Knitted Graffiti

Devonpot Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand.

Devonport Wharf
Auckland, New Zealand.

Commute Communion

Posted 2011-09-19 20:05:44 | Views: 12,761

Another day.
Another Dollar.

Maori Waka Arrives In Auckland's Viaduct

Posted 2011-09-06 21:36:38 | Views: 13,122


As part of the Rugby World Cup Maori Canoes will be arriving en mass to coincide with opening celebrations.

She's going to sing

Posted 2011-07-24 18:47:20 | Views: 12,489

Melbourne Yarramazing.

Posted 2011-07-11 22:24:06 | Views: 12,657

Things - Looking Up 2

Posted 2011-06-29 20:57:00 | Views: 12,064

Big Air

Things. Looking Up

Posted 2011-06-29 19:16:40 | Views: 12,254

First Post

Posted 2011-06-29 17:40:54 | Views: 12,488

A Day In The Life


David MacGregor's Experimental Blog